Monday, April 29, 2013

WWII Across the Atlantic Ocean

1 Who was the supreme commander in Europe and was he succesful?
It was Dwight D. Eisenhower, he was succesful because he got unconditional surrender from the Germans

2 What was the significance of D-Day?
It was the first day of invasion on Europe because the Nazi had almost total control of Europe so they had to be stop

3 Was Gen. Patton an effective leader?
Yes, he free France from Nazi control after 4 years

4 Why was the Battle of the Bulge significant?
It was Hitler last chance to win the war and if Hitler had won that battle history would had change as we know

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Coping with the War at Home
1 What was the OPA, and what was their job?
It was the Office of Price Administration, it was an agency created by Roosevelt and it was to fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods

2 What was the purpose of the OSRD?
To bring scientists into the war, to have new invention to help in the fight on the war

3 In what ways did Americans sacrifice during WWII?
They had to buy a little good as meat, shoes, sugar, coffee and gasoline

4 How similar or different were your sacrifices during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars?
It was complete different, I didn't had to sacrifices anything on those wars

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Help

How did post-WWII Southerners try to limit African-American equality, and what was the significance of “The Help” in the struggle for equality?
 The daughters of the maids where raise to be a maid, but the problem was that they work for 95¢ an hour so the African-American can't progress with the economic. The white community use a lot "separate but equal" which means that the color community had a lot of problems with it, they couldn't sit at the front only at the back of the bus, they had to use a different bathroom because the whites thought that they could have different disease and to make them worse was that they count the toilet paper square to make sure that they don't use a lot. Sometimes they could even blame the black community of something that they didn't even do like stole silver from them and sometimes they do it only because they wanted revenge, but the black community couldn't get revenge easy, they had to be creative in a way that nobody knew.

"The Help" helped the black community by letting everybody know about there story and make other  people think about it and start to change and think more about the black community because before they didn't saw them as humans.

U.S. gets ready for the fight

1 Who was Phillip Randolph, and why did he and President Roosevelt meet?
President and founder of the Brotherhood of sleeping car porters. Roosevelt call him to back down because of a march that Randolph made so that would let African American to be more equal and that they could fight for there country.

2 Who were the WAACs, and why were they important to the war effort?
They were the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps it allow men to go fight and the women do the work as nurses, ambulance drivers, radio operators and more.

3 How well did African American do during WWII?
At the beginning they weren't doing doing to well, they couldn't fight for there country and they worked in segregated units. Later after the march that Randolph do and Roosevelt let them, the African-American got more equality.

Friday, April 19, 2013

U.S. Inches Towards WWII
1 What was Lend-Lease and what countries did it benefit?
A new plan to lend or rent weapon and other supplies to the Soviet Union and Britain

2 What did Roosevelt call German U-boat?

3 How would you describe Roosevelt opinion of war?
That even if Roosevelt say that he was going to be isolated he had a side and help the Allies (Soviet Union, Britain) to defeat the Axis power (Japan, Germany and Italy),_1943.jpg/240px-Tehran_Conference,_1943.jpg

Monday, April 8, 2013

Great Depression REF

3. Which was not a cause of the Dust Bowl?
C. Thick layers of prairie grasses
I answer too quick

8. In calling shanytowns "Hoovervilles," people conveyed their
C. Disgust with Hoover
Mechanical error

15. Who wrote the novel The Grapes of Wrath about the grim lives of Oklahomans fleeing the Dust Bowl during the Depression?
B. John Steinbeck
I didn't know the answer

21. How far did migrants on Route 66 travel from Oklahoma City of Bakersfield, California?
C. About 1,200 miles
Mechanical error