Friday, February 1, 2013

Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency

Theodore Roosevelt know as Teddy Roosevelt was born in New York on Octuber 27, 1858.
Before becoming president, Roosevelt was elected to other offices. He served as a New York State Assemblyman, Governer of New York, and Vice President of the U.S.
In April 1898, the U.S. entered into war with Spain. At this time Roosevelt was Assitant Secretaru of the Navy. Roosevelt favored the war and loudly made his views known. After the war, he returned to the U.S. a herlo, which helped him win the election as Governer of New York.                                                                                                                        
On september 6, 1901, President McKinley was shot. On his way to Biffalo, Roosevelt received a telegram informing him that McKinley had died. Roosevelt arrived in Buffalo on september 14 and was promptly sworn in there as president by U.S. District Judge John R. Hazel. In the presidential election of 1904 Roosevelt won the presidency in a landside victory.

The  "bully pulpit" was first used by Teddy Roosevelt, explaining his view of the presidency, in this quotation "I suppose my critics will call that preaching, but I have got such a bully pulpit!" 

Theodore Roosevelt was born not too long before the Civil War. During his childhood slavery was legal, but later abolished. Women could not vote, many considered college education and higher paying professions as inappropriate roles for women, and property ownership and legal rights were different for women. Overall TR had a good record of treatment of African-Americans. Unfortunately however, his one major failure of his presidency also included them.

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