Monday, March 25, 2013

TGD-How affected peoples of color Pt.1

1. Why did Pedro Gonzalez become a Mexican-American hero?
He expose racism to Mexican and Mexican-American, who where often made scapegoats for social and economic problems.
2. Why was Frances Perkins a hero for women?
She was the first female appointed to into the government.
3. What was the  "Black Cabinet" and who was the leader?
The Black Cabinet was the first advise of African Americans to the president Mary McLeod Bethune.

TGD - Programs of The New Deal

1. What was the major difference between Hoover and Roosevelt?
Hoover didn't do anything and Roosevelt try everything he could to fix the TGD and give people jobs

2. Which New Deal program was most responsible for creating the most jobs and how did the program achieve this?
The works progress admistration it spent $11 billion to give jobs to more than 8 million workers, most of them unskilled

3. What impact did social the security act have on America?
It allow to older people to retirees at age of 65, Unem payment compensation system, aid to families with dependent children and the disabled
4. Why was Huey long against TND?
He thought that The New Deal was inadequate

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

TDG-FDR and The New Deal
1. Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
He was one of the best president of the United States and it was show seen he was reselected 4 times. He was cousin, former president Theodore Roosevelt. As governed, FDR proved to be an effective reform-minded leader, working to combat the problems of unemployment and poverty.

2. Who were FDR carefully picked advisers, and why were they important to be president?
The "Brain Trust" that was make up of a professors, lawyers, and journalists and it was important to begin to strategize a set of policies to his new presidency

3.What was the New Deal?
A strategist a set of policies. This program, designed to get rib of the problems of the Great Depression

4. What three goals did The New deal attempt to address?
Relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform

5. What was the first action FDR took as president?
Was to carry out reforms in banking and finance, he close all the banks and only let those who can pay there bill can reopen

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Great Depression-President Hoover

Herbert Hoover, a Republican president at the beginning of The Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because...he though that they had to solve it by them self

1. What are examples of how Americans expressed their anger and frustrations with President Hoover?
Farmers stung by low crop prices burned their corn and wheat and dumped their milk on highways rather than sell it. Some farmers refuse to work. Block roads to prevent food from getting to market. Others farmers use force to prevent authorities from foreclosing on farms.

2. What were Hoover principles? The ones he chose to hand firm on?
He refused to support direct relief or other forms of federal welfare

3. Who made up the Bonus Army, and how did what happened to them affect Pres. Hoover?
The Bonus Army was made of veterans solders who wanted to get pay they bonus because they participate on World War I, but president Hoover didn't think that they were, he thought that they were communist and persons with criminal records. Pres. Hoover nervous that the angry group could become violent, he decided that the Bonus Army should be disbanded. In the course, the infantry gassed more than 1,000 people, including an 11-month- old baby, who died, and an 8 year-old boy, who was partially blinded.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Depression-Hardships and Suffering

1. Describe the Dust Bowl; what caused it?
Wind scattered the topsoil, exposing sand and more dirt underneath. The dust traveled hundreds of miles. What caused of it was that the farmers used-up the land through over farming of crops.
2. Describe how The Great Depression affected: Children, Families, Women, Men and People of color.
Children: Milk consumption declined across the country, and clinics and hospitals reported a dramatic rise in malnutrition and diet-related diseases. Hundreds of thousands of teenage boys and some girls hopped aboard America's freight trains to zigzag the country in search of work, adventure, and an escape from poverty.
Families: Entertained themselves by staying at home and playing board games.
Women: They worked hard to help their families survive adversity during The Great Depression.
Men: They had difficulty coping with unemployment because they were accustomed to working and supporting their families.
People of Color: Their unemployment rates were higher, and they were the lowest paid.

3. Who were "Hoboes", how did they travel?
They were transients wandered the country, hitching rides on railroad boxcars and sleeping under bridges.

4. What was an enduring effect on people because of The Great Depression?
For many people, the stigma of poverty and of having to scrimp and save never disappeared completely. For some, achieving financial security became the primary focus in life. So people didn't want to be poor ever again after that.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Great Depression-Bam

1. 94% of Americans made how much in one year?
Under 5,000 dollars a year

2. Why is Wall Street important to American business?
The New York stock exchange begins in there
3. If the stock market crash DID NOT cause the Great Depression, what did?
-Crisis in the farm sector
-Availability of easy credit
-Tariffs and war debt policies
-An unequal distribution of income

4. What of what you read is similar to what is happening in the Great Recession?
Yes, in the Great Depression there was a lot of persons with out a job, same with the Great Recession,_02-1931_-_NARA_-_541927.jpg/250px-Unemployed_men_queued_outside_a_depression_soup_kitchen_opened_in_Chicago_by_Al_Capone,_02-1931_-_NARA_-_541927.jpg

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Roaring Twenties: People, Places and Events

What are some of the beliefs held by fundamentalists?
That the Bible was inspired by God and that there fore it's stories in all their details were true and to reject the theory of evolution

The scopes trial challenged what law?
Was a fight over evolution and the role of science and religion in public schools and in American society

The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for who?
A set of principles granting greater sexual freedom to men than to women. So the women couldn't express them self in a sexual way.

Why did Charles Lindbergh became famous? Louis Armstrong?
A) The first man to nonstop flight across the Atlantic, during 33 hours and  29 minutes from New York to Paris
B) A great Jazz singer who wrote the song "what a wonderful world"

What was the Harlem Renaissance?
A literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture in NewYork

1. What was prohibition?
The banning of alcohol, so people who had it had to throw it away

2. What groups were responsible for the idea of prohibition?
The Church-affiliated Anti-saloon league

3. What were their reasons?
They thought that too much drinking led to crime, wife and child abuse, accidents on the job and other social problems

4. How did people get illegal alcohol?
Drinkers went underground to hidden saloons and night clubs known as speakeasies
5. In your opinion, was prohibition a good or a bad idea, and why?
For my opinion it's kind of both, good because there wouldn't be so much accidents because of drunk people and bad because people want to have freedom to drink