Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Roaring Twenties: People, Places and Events

What are some of the beliefs held by fundamentalists?
That the Bible was inspired by God and that there fore it's stories in all their details were true and to reject the theory of evolution

The scopes trial challenged what law?
Was a fight over evolution and the role of science and religion in public schools and in American society

The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for who?
A set of principles granting greater sexual freedom to men than to women. So the women couldn't express them self in a sexual way.

Why did Charles Lindbergh became famous? Louis Armstrong?
A) The first man to nonstop flight across the Atlantic, during 33 hours and  29 minutes from New York to Paris
B) A great Jazz singer who wrote the song "what a wonderful world"

What was the Harlem Renaissance?
A literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture in NewYork

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