Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas


Bruno moved with his family so his father could be closer to the Nazi death camps. At first only father knew the real reason for moving to the country. Why do you think father was so secretive about why the family moved?
Because he didn't want to tell them what he do to the Jews from the camp

Bruno was taught the think of Jews in a certain way. What was Bruno taught about Jews
That they were the source of all evil and that they are the reason that they lost during WWI

When Bruno fell from the swing a Jewish man helped him. Why was this event significant to Bruno’s mother’s thinking of Jewish people?
Because she taught that he would had never help because he was Jews, but she saw that he wasnt a evil person, but instead a good person 
Bruno’s father evolved and transformed from a loving father to what? Why?
The father evolved from a loving father to a father that didn't care about his family and only care for his work
Bruno evolved and transformed as well. What kind of boy was he at first, and what did he transform to?
He was a kind that only wanted to have fun and later for someone who care for anyone no mater who they where

Describe your feelings about Bruno’s actions. Include descriptions of the scene and the choice(s) Bruno made, and what difference his actions made.

When he choose to help his friend to find his father but in the end died probably by a poison the dad may have change his mind about the things he was doing

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