Thursday, January 31, 2013

Booker T. Washington

1. What was the name of the school that Booker T. Washington started?
 Tuskegee Institute
2. Whom did Booker T. Washington recruit to head the agriculture department at Tuskegee Institute?
 George Washington Carver
3. Booker T. Washington's autobiography is entitled:
 Up From Slavery.
4. What president did Booker T. Washington dine with?
5. With whom did Booker T. Washington often come into conflict?
 W.E.B. Du Bois

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

African-American after Reconstruction

How is racism today different than racism practiced immediately after Reconstruction?

Before racism was always in front of you and it not matter who was in there. The aldn't pay the tax frican American people couldn't vote before since the white people put a litercy test and make it harder for the color people, like making the question harder or making the test in another language.
Another one was the poll tax since the color people didn't have high payment like white people and it was a racism legal, even if a white person couldn't pay the tax or the test they let him vote if one of his             ancestors have vote.
They took out the pool tax law but later on they make "separate but equal" that make color people and white people would be treaded equal, but it wasn't true the color people still was treaded  bad but it was more hide every time.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Mid-Term Exam Reflection

I got 16/25 most of the time i didn't know the answer but sometimes it was a careless mistake. I learned that i have to study more and not let myself go silly because l kow the answer others day but i forget it the next day.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

US History Mid-Terms

1. What was the reason(s) for the Three-Fifths Compromise?
It was to determent the central government that was propos the Virginia Plan called for a bicameral. The size of the population of each state would determine its representation in the House of Representatives. Southern wanted that slaves would vote since they have a great population of slaves and the Northern disagreed since it have less slaves.
2. What were the three major factors that contributed to the immense technological boom that took place in the United States after the Civil War? Explain how any ONE of these factors helped to bring about this technological boom.
 Three major factors that contributed to the immense technological boom where the wealth of natural resources, government support for business and a growing urban population.

The wealth of natural helped with the technological boom using the oil in Texas to sell kerosene and eventually gas. by using steam engine they got the oil. The increase of popularity of car they started to sell the gas and people started to use oil to make new metal like steel.

3. Explain and give an example of an immigration “push factor” and an ethnic group that experienced it. Additionally, explain and give an example of a “pull factor” that made the U.S. attractive to immigrants.
A push factor was that Fong See a successful chines immigrant died he was buried next to his wife because California cemeteries were still segregated and a pull factor was the success of Fong See on the American Dream, so many Chinese, Italian immigrate to America.

4. Why, at the turn of the century, were white Southerners able to get away with discrimination against African-Americans, despite all the laws and amendments that were passed during Reconstruction? Give at least three reasons.
The blacks lost voting rights, Southern states passed racial segrefation laws to separate white and black people in public and private facilites. These law was know as Jim Crow laws.
Plessy v. Ferguson, that that law was legal and didn't violate the Fourteenth Amendment.
Separate but equal, which allowed states to maintain segregated facilities for blacks and whites as long as they provided equal service.

5. Hoose one of the following reform movements: prohibition, suffrage, or government. Explain the goals of the movement; identify the people and groups involved in it; identify some of its successes.
Prohibition: the banning of alcoholic beverages. founded in Cleveland in 1874, the woman's Christian Temperance Union spearheaded the crusade for prohibition.
Suffrage: the right for women to vote, in 1848 women split over the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, which granted equal rights including the right to vote to African American men, but excluded women
Government: direct election of senators it was the success of the direct primary that paved the way for the Seventeenth Amendment

China and WW1

1. Which country's interest did the Open Door Policy in China favor?
The United States

2. What were the reasons behind the Boxer Rebellion?
Because of Boxer started kill foreigners

3. List three causes of World War I?
Nationalism: That your nation is better
Imperialism: Building empire
Building Alliances: Countries backing-up other countries

4. How did the U.S. deal with German U-boats?
They sail in group, guarded by military vessel

5. What was the Selective Service Act used for?

6. What new weapons did WWI introduce?

7. How did the Espionage and Sedition Act affect Freedom of Speech and Labor Unions?
You couldn't say what you were thinking

8. Why was there opposition to President Wilson's League of Nations?
That he didn't stay to his policy 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

American Imperialism after Spanish-American War

a. How did the U.S. change Cuba’s Constitution?
by adding the Platt Amendment

b. What did the Roosevelt Corollary build on?
by the Monroe Doctrine

c. Pancho Villa was pursued by whom?
by John J. Pershing and 15,000 solders

d. How did the U.S. get the land for the Panama Canal?
Panama made there independence and U.S. by the territory to make the Panama Canal

e. What is meant by “speak softly and carry a big stick mean?
 that the negotiations of the U.S. are always backed by the threat of military force

Friday, January 18, 2013

Spanish - American War

1. Why did Jose Marti destroy U.S. property?
Because Marti wanted to provoke the United States to help the rebels to achieve a free cuba

2. Who did the De Lome letter criticize? What were the consequences? How did this private lette become public in the first place?
The De Lome letter criticize the President McKinley about how weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd he was. The American were angry over the insult to their president and all of that happen because of a Cuban rebel that stole the letter from a Havana post office and leaked it to the newspapers

3. Who was the "Winner" of the Spanish - American war, and what were the winning?

4. How was the Spanish - American war connected with American imperialism?

5. How was the war started? Was it proper?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Education has Change. A Little or A Lot?

Back in the day, the education wasn't good as it is right now
Not everybody had the opportunity to go and had education
The teachers weren't as they were know
The students were hitten all because of there answers or actions
But sometimes they didn't know how
Some student leave the school, but other had determination

Now almost everybody has an opportunity to go to the school
And we hab better knowledge
So is not like you don't have the tools

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coming to the United States 1870's

1 In the past it was hard to get to the United States if you where a immigrant. If you came from Europe it took a weak to get to the there, and you where from Asia it took three week.
   I wouldn't like that, because of all the persons that are shoulder to shoulder that it was very tide that you could move a little from you where.

2 A immigrant going to the United States because of all the request you need to enter, you needed to pass a medic exam and prof that you had 25$ with you, that is was a lot now. Even every time you go somewhere you had to pass the same process all over again.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Meat Inpection Act

Expected to be
To be Healthy  and pure

Inspection are important for everything is in order
No bad food can't pass it
People are like that because of dirty meat
Everybody want a
To stop and beggind to
On the meat so
No person would get sick so

A new law was
To protect the people from it

Upton Sinclair was a progressive since he wanted a change and improvement on the meat so he wrote     "The Jungle" ,saying everything about the sickenin conditions of the meatpacking industry.