Friday, January 18, 2013

Spanish - American War

1. Why did Jose Marti destroy U.S. property?
Because Marti wanted to provoke the United States to help the rebels to achieve a free cuba

2. Who did the De Lome letter criticize? What were the consequences? How did this private lette become public in the first place?
The De Lome letter criticize the President McKinley about how weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd he was. The American were angry over the insult to their president and all of that happen because of a Cuban rebel that stole the letter from a Havana post office and leaked it to the newspapers

3. Who was the "Winner" of the Spanish - American war, and what were the winning?

4. How was the Spanish - American war connected with American imperialism?

5. How was the war started? Was it proper?

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