Wednesday, January 23, 2013

US History Mid-Terms

1. What was the reason(s) for the Three-Fifths Compromise?
It was to determent the central government that was propos the Virginia Plan called for a bicameral. The size of the population of each state would determine its representation in the House of Representatives. Southern wanted that slaves would vote since they have a great population of slaves and the Northern disagreed since it have less slaves.
2. What were the three major factors that contributed to the immense technological boom that took place in the United States after the Civil War? Explain how any ONE of these factors helped to bring about this technological boom.
 Three major factors that contributed to the immense technological boom where the wealth of natural resources, government support for business and a growing urban population.

The wealth of natural helped with the technological boom using the oil in Texas to sell kerosene and eventually gas. by using steam engine they got the oil. The increase of popularity of car they started to sell the gas and people started to use oil to make new metal like steel.

3. Explain and give an example of an immigration “push factor” and an ethnic group that experienced it. Additionally, explain and give an example of a “pull factor” that made the U.S. attractive to immigrants.
A push factor was that Fong See a successful chines immigrant died he was buried next to his wife because California cemeteries were still segregated and a pull factor was the success of Fong See on the American Dream, so many Chinese, Italian immigrate to America.

4. Why, at the turn of the century, were white Southerners able to get away with discrimination against African-Americans, despite all the laws and amendments that were passed during Reconstruction? Give at least three reasons.
The blacks lost voting rights, Southern states passed racial segrefation laws to separate white and black people in public and private facilites. These law was know as Jim Crow laws.
Plessy v. Ferguson, that that law was legal and didn't violate the Fourteenth Amendment.
Separate but equal, which allowed states to maintain segregated facilities for blacks and whites as long as they provided equal service.

5. Hoose one of the following reform movements: prohibition, suffrage, or government. Explain the goals of the movement; identify the people and groups involved in it; identify some of its successes.
Prohibition: the banning of alcoholic beverages. founded in Cleveland in 1874, the woman's Christian Temperance Union spearheaded the crusade for prohibition.
Suffrage: the right for women to vote, in 1848 women split over the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, which granted equal rights including the right to vote to African American men, but excluded women
Government: direct election of senators it was the success of the direct primary that paved the way for the Seventeenth Amendment

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