Monday, June 3, 2013

Civil Right Act

1 Who proposed the Civil Right Act of 1964, and why was it proposed?
First was proposed by John F. Kennedy and was then signed into law by Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. to end segregation

2 Which groups were affected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Anyone who was in school, the black community and disabled Americans, the elderly and women

3 What did the Civil Rights Act do for the United States?
It end segregation, discrimination, prohibited literacy tests and other discriminatory voting practices,  and the Fair Housing Act

Friday, May 31, 2013

The American Dream

1 What were some causes for the baby boom?
As soldiers returned from World War II and settled into family life, they contributed to an unprecedented population explosion

2 What did Americans have to do in order to support all the new babies being born?

3 How did roles of women changed in the 1950’s?
the role of homemaker and mother was glorified in popular magazines, movies, and TV programs

4 What changes allowed the American car explosion to occur?

The American Teen

1 How did the lives of teenagers change after TGD and WWII?
Teenagers were recognized as an importan and unique stage between chilhood and adulthood

2 What is "white fight"? Was it good for society?
Millions of middle-class white  Americans left the cities for the suburbs, taking wih the precious economic resources and isolating themselfes from other races

3 What did many Mexicans immigrate the U.S. before the 1950's?
Durant the war there was a shartage of agriculture labors so the us make a program in which Mexican hire hands, were allowed into the United States to harvest corp

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pop Culture 1950's
1 What media exploded in the 50's, and how did business respond to this explosion?
In the 1948 the television started to be in American homes so the businesses started to make comercials and making TV guides and TV dinner

2 Why did critics not like television?
That it effects on children and steretypical portrayal of women and minorities

3 What's so ironic about rock and roll music in the 1950's?
It was revelios and was popular among the young people, but the adults didn't like it and said it was from the devil, even when Elvis Presley started in a church

Friday, May 24, 2013

Truman Labor Policies

1. What were some of the significant challenges Pres. Truman faced after WWII?
Finding jobs for the people and to bring stability and prosperity to all Americans

2. How did Truman try to help returning G.I.s get jobs after WWII, and how effective was he? Explain your opinion.
He try to control the price of some products but the owner were mad so he gave it back, then he did a minimum wage. I think he didn't do anything good for the country because everybody hated him and didn't want him.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Postwar America 1950's

1 What was the U.S. economy like during WWII?
It was better than the great depression but people couldn't have all they wanted

2 How did the American economy transform after the Great Depression and WWII?
People started to get more jobs
3Why would s compsny like Google not do well in the 50's?
Because the people in that time didn't want creative thinkers, rebels, or anyone who would rock the corporate boat

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Bruno moved with his family so his father could be closer to the Nazi death camps. At first only father knew the real reason for moving to the country. Why do you think father was so secretive about why the family moved?
Because he didn't want to tell them what he do to the Jews from the camp

Bruno was taught the think of Jews in a certain way. What was Bruno taught about Jews
That they were the source of all evil and that they are the reason that they lost during WWI

When Bruno fell from the swing a Jewish man helped him. Why was this event significant to Bruno’s mother’s thinking of Jewish people?
Because she taught that he would had never help because he was Jews, but she saw that he wasnt a evil person, but instead a good person 
Bruno’s father evolved and transformed from a loving father to what? Why?
The father evolved from a loving father to a father that didn't care about his family and only care for his work
Bruno evolved and transformed as well. What kind of boy was he at first, and what did he transform to?
He was a kind that only wanted to have fun and later for someone who care for anyone no mater who they where
Describe your feelings about Bruno’s actions. Include descriptions of the scene and the choice(s) Bruno made, and what difference his actions made.

When he choose to help his friend to find his father but in the end died probably by a poison the dad may have change his mind about the things he was doing

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Japanese Internment and Justice

1 What does the word "internment" mean to you?
A imprisonment of a large group without trial

2 Why were Japanese-Americans interned in Manzanar?
Because the American said that any Japanese is a enemy to the U.S. during the war, so the Japanese were call there because the American tough that there were a spy

3 Why where Japanese internment policies wrong?
Because they didn't have right i the internment, but when they were outside the internment they had to survive by them self, because the U.S. took everything from the Japanese objects, money and house so they didn't have anywhere to go

Monday, May 6, 2013

The End of WWII

1 Was Gen. MacArthur successful?
He was a successful general, he won the battle in the islands of Bataan, Leyte and Iwo Jima and make the leader of Japan to surrender.

2 Explain how successful the G.I. Bill was to returning soldiers:
It provided education and federal loan to buy there own house or farms to the veterans that went to the war so they could continue with there life.

3 Why were Mexicans in L.A. unfairly treated in 1942?
They were treated unfairly because of 11 sailors that said that they were attacked by Mexican-American in zoot suit, so the Mobs went into Mexican neighborhoods and grabbed any zoot suited they could find and beat them up.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WWII in the Pacific

1 Who promised to "return" to liberate the Philippines?
MacArthur, because president Roosevelt told him to leave Philippines, so when he was leaving he promise to return and so he did

2 What reasons did the president of the US use for using atomic bombs?

To avoid an invasion of Japan, bring an end to the war and save American lives

3 In 1942, why were the Allies under-strength to fight Japan?
because of the weather there was in there

4 Were American submarines effective in the Pacific?
because they use them to sunk ships from the Japanese

Monday, April 29, 2013

WWII Across the Atlantic Ocean

1 Who was the supreme commander in Europe and was he succesful?
It was Dwight D. Eisenhower, he was succesful because he got unconditional surrender from the Germans

2 What was the significance of D-Day?
It was the first day of invasion on Europe because the Nazi had almost total control of Europe so they had to be stop

3 Was Gen. Patton an effective leader?
Yes, he free France from Nazi control after 4 years

4 Why was the Battle of the Bulge significant?
It was Hitler last chance to win the war and if Hitler had won that battle history would had change as we know

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Coping with the War at Home
1 What was the OPA, and what was their job?
It was the Office of Price Administration, it was an agency created by Roosevelt and it was to fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods

2 What was the purpose of the OSRD?
To bring scientists into the war, to have new invention to help in the fight on the war

3 In what ways did Americans sacrifice during WWII?
They had to buy a little good as meat, shoes, sugar, coffee and gasoline

4 How similar or different were your sacrifices during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars?
It was complete different, I didn't had to sacrifices anything on those wars

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Help

How did post-WWII Southerners try to limit African-American equality, and what was the significance of “The Help” in the struggle for equality?
 The daughters of the maids where raise to be a maid, but the problem was that they work for 95¢ an hour so the African-American can't progress with the economic. The white community use a lot "separate but equal" which means that the color community had a lot of problems with it, they couldn't sit at the front only at the back of the bus, they had to use a different bathroom because the whites thought that they could have different disease and to make them worse was that they count the toilet paper square to make sure that they don't use a lot. Sometimes they could even blame the black community of something that they didn't even do like stole silver from them and sometimes they do it only because they wanted revenge, but the black community couldn't get revenge easy, they had to be creative in a way that nobody knew.

"The Help" helped the black community by letting everybody know about there story and make other  people think about it and start to change and think more about the black community because before they didn't saw them as humans.

U.S. gets ready for the fight

1 Who was Phillip Randolph, and why did he and President Roosevelt meet?
President and founder of the Brotherhood of sleeping car porters. Roosevelt call him to back down because of a march that Randolph made so that would let African American to be more equal and that they could fight for there country.

2 Who were the WAACs, and why were they important to the war effort?
They were the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps it allow men to go fight and the women do the work as nurses, ambulance drivers, radio operators and more.

3 How well did African American do during WWII?
At the beginning they weren't doing doing to well, they couldn't fight for there country and they worked in segregated units. Later after the march that Randolph do and Roosevelt let them, the African-American got more equality.

Friday, April 19, 2013

U.S. Inches Towards WWII
1 What was Lend-Lease and what countries did it benefit?
A new plan to lend or rent weapon and other supplies to the Soviet Union and Britain

2 What did Roosevelt call German U-boat?

3 How would you describe Roosevelt opinion of war?
That even if Roosevelt say that he was going to be isolated he had a side and help the Allies (Soviet Union, Britain) to defeat the Axis power (Japan, Germany and Italy),_1943.jpg/240px-Tehran_Conference,_1943.jpg

Monday, April 8, 2013

Great Depression REF

3. Which was not a cause of the Dust Bowl?
C. Thick layers of prairie grasses
I answer too quick

8. In calling shanytowns "Hoovervilles," people conveyed their
C. Disgust with Hoover
Mechanical error

15. Who wrote the novel The Grapes of Wrath about the grim lives of Oklahomans fleeing the Dust Bowl during the Depression?
B. John Steinbeck
I didn't know the answer

21. How far did migrants on Route 66 travel from Oklahoma City of Bakersfield, California?
C. About 1,200 miles
Mechanical error

Monday, March 25, 2013

TGD-How affected peoples of color Pt.1

1. Why did Pedro Gonzalez become a Mexican-American hero?
He expose racism to Mexican and Mexican-American, who where often made scapegoats for social and economic problems.
2. Why was Frances Perkins a hero for women?
She was the first female appointed to into the government.
3. What was the  "Black Cabinet" and who was the leader?
The Black Cabinet was the first advise of African Americans to the president Mary McLeod Bethune.

TGD - Programs of The New Deal

1. What was the major difference between Hoover and Roosevelt?
Hoover didn't do anything and Roosevelt try everything he could to fix the TGD and give people jobs

2. Which New Deal program was most responsible for creating the most jobs and how did the program achieve this?
The works progress admistration it spent $11 billion to give jobs to more than 8 million workers, most of them unskilled

3. What impact did social the security act have on America?
It allow to older people to retirees at age of 65, Unem payment compensation system, aid to families with dependent children and the disabled
4. Why was Huey long against TND?
He thought that The New Deal was inadequate

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

TDG-FDR and The New Deal
1. Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
He was one of the best president of the United States and it was show seen he was reselected 4 times. He was cousin, former president Theodore Roosevelt. As governed, FDR proved to be an effective reform-minded leader, working to combat the problems of unemployment and poverty.

2. Who were FDR carefully picked advisers, and why were they important to be president?
The "Brain Trust" that was make up of a professors, lawyers, and journalists and it was important to begin to strategize a set of policies to his new presidency

3.What was the New Deal?
A strategist a set of policies. This program, designed to get rib of the problems of the Great Depression

4. What three goals did The New deal attempt to address?
Relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform

5. What was the first action FDR took as president?
Was to carry out reforms in banking and finance, he close all the banks and only let those who can pay there bill can reopen

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Great Depression-President Hoover

Herbert Hoover, a Republican president at the beginning of The Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because...he though that they had to solve it by them self

1. What are examples of how Americans expressed their anger and frustrations with President Hoover?
Farmers stung by low crop prices burned their corn and wheat and dumped their milk on highways rather than sell it. Some farmers refuse to work. Block roads to prevent food from getting to market. Others farmers use force to prevent authorities from foreclosing on farms.

2. What were Hoover principles? The ones he chose to hand firm on?
He refused to support direct relief or other forms of federal welfare

3. Who made up the Bonus Army, and how did what happened to them affect Pres. Hoover?
The Bonus Army was made of veterans solders who wanted to get pay they bonus because they participate on World War I, but president Hoover didn't think that they were, he thought that they were communist and persons with criminal records. Pres. Hoover nervous that the angry group could become violent, he decided that the Bonus Army should be disbanded. In the course, the infantry gassed more than 1,000 people, including an 11-month- old baby, who died, and an 8 year-old boy, who was partially blinded.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Depression-Hardships and Suffering

1. Describe the Dust Bowl; what caused it?
Wind scattered the topsoil, exposing sand and more dirt underneath. The dust traveled hundreds of miles. What caused of it was that the farmers used-up the land through over farming of crops.
2. Describe how The Great Depression affected: Children, Families, Women, Men and People of color.
Children: Milk consumption declined across the country, and clinics and hospitals reported a dramatic rise in malnutrition and diet-related diseases. Hundreds of thousands of teenage boys and some girls hopped aboard America's freight trains to zigzag the country in search of work, adventure, and an escape from poverty.
Families: Entertained themselves by staying at home and playing board games.
Women: They worked hard to help their families survive adversity during The Great Depression.
Men: They had difficulty coping with unemployment because they were accustomed to working and supporting their families.
People of Color: Their unemployment rates were higher, and they were the lowest paid.

3. Who were "Hoboes", how did they travel?
They were transients wandered the country, hitching rides on railroad boxcars and sleeping under bridges.

4. What was an enduring effect on people because of The Great Depression?
For many people, the stigma of poverty and of having to scrimp and save never disappeared completely. For some, achieving financial security became the primary focus in life. So people didn't want to be poor ever again after that.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Great Depression-Bam

1. 94% of Americans made how much in one year?
Under 5,000 dollars a year

2. Why is Wall Street important to American business?
The New York stock exchange begins in there
3. If the stock market crash DID NOT cause the Great Depression, what did?
-Crisis in the farm sector
-Availability of easy credit
-Tariffs and war debt policies
-An unequal distribution of income

4. What of what you read is similar to what is happening in the Great Recession?
Yes, in the Great Depression there was a lot of persons with out a job, same with the Great Recession,_02-1931_-_NARA_-_541927.jpg/250px-Unemployed_men_queued_outside_a_depression_soup_kitchen_opened_in_Chicago_by_Al_Capone,_02-1931_-_NARA_-_541927.jpg

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Roaring Twenties: People, Places and Events

What are some of the beliefs held by fundamentalists?
That the Bible was inspired by God and that there fore it's stories in all their details were true and to reject the theory of evolution

The scopes trial challenged what law?
Was a fight over evolution and the role of science and religion in public schools and in American society

The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for who?
A set of principles granting greater sexual freedom to men than to women. So the women couldn't express them self in a sexual way.

Why did Charles Lindbergh became famous? Louis Armstrong?
A) The first man to nonstop flight across the Atlantic, during 33 hours and  29 minutes from New York to Paris
B) A great Jazz singer who wrote the song "what a wonderful world"

What was the Harlem Renaissance?
A literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture in NewYork

1. What was prohibition?
The banning of alcohol, so people who had it had to throw it away

2. What groups were responsible for the idea of prohibition?
The Church-affiliated Anti-saloon league

3. What were their reasons?
They thought that too much drinking led to crime, wife and child abuse, accidents on the job and other social problems

4. How did people get illegal alcohol?
Drinkers went underground to hidden saloons and night clubs known as speakeasies
5. In your opinion, was prohibition a good or a bad idea, and why?
For my opinion it's kind of both, good because there wouldn't be so much accidents because of drunk people and bad because people want to have freedom to drink

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The U.S. After WW1

Describe the feeling many Americans had after WW1
They were tire of war, tire of economy, tire of changes, tire of jobs

What were come reactions by Americans to their post WW1 feeling?
They become nativism (people who hate other that are not from there country), Isolationism (be affrait of the outside world) and become communist

What did the Palmer raids accomplish? Why did Palmer do the raids?
Palmer was going for political radical, because he was afrait of communist

What did the KKK fear? Did their membership grow in the 1920's?
To devote only white Americans and get out all the other persons
What was the quota system?
The quota system was a law that establish the maximum number of people who could enter the United States from each foreign country

Was the quota system discriminatory? If yes, to whom?
It was against people from Easter and Southern Europe, mostly Catholic and Jews

How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
The Mexicans started to cross the nation border

How was  Japan effected by the quota system?
The law prohibited Japanese immigration

Monday, February 11, 2013


2. Cities in the late 19th century expanded with the development of all of the following except
C. airplanes
I know the answer
6. All of the following were trends in education around 1900 except
D. most African American attending high school
I don't know
11. Muckrakers were
I don't know
15. The law that required truthful labels was the
A. voting rights for women
Too quick
19. Based on the map, you could infer that Ohio was _______ than Pennsylvania in the early 1900s.
B. less progressive
Confusing Question
20. The southwestern state of _______ was more conservation towards woman suffrage than its neighbors.
D. New Mexico
22. Which of the following best states the primary goal of prohibitionists?
B. it had little effect
Confusing Question

What did you learn about yourself as a test taker, and what’s one strategy you can begin using to improve your test results?
That i have to review more my answers and i have to read more my notes

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Trearment of Peoples of Color

How did Mexicans earn a living in the late 1800's and where did they do this work?
In the railroads hired more Mexicans than members of any other ethnic to construct rail lines in the southwest. They were accustomed to the region hot, dry climate but they work for less money than other ethnic groups.
Mexicans were also vital to the development of mining and agriculture in the southwest. Mexican workers became the major labor force in the agricultural industries of the region.

Describe African-American life in the 1900's (where did they move to, what was their experience, etc?)
Most African-American lived in the segregated south, but by 1900, a number of blacks had move to Northern cities. They were searching for a better-paying jobs and social equality. But after the arrival they found that there racial discrimination in the North as well. African Americans found themselves forced into segregated neighborhoods. They also faced discrimination in the workplace.Labor unions often discouraged black membership, and employers hired African American labor only as a last resort and fired blacks before white employes.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Recreation in U.S.

When and Why did Americans begin to recreate?
The recreation in U.S. been in the 1800s, because people where tire of the city congestion and dull industrial work and wanted free time and have fun by going to the park, fields and the amusement park.
Were the reasons Americans began to recreate the same or different compared to Americans today?
It was different than today, because before it was only work so they wanted to have free time and have fun so they make park and fields for it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency

Theodore Roosevelt know as Teddy Roosevelt was born in New York on Octuber 27, 1858.
Before becoming president, Roosevelt was elected to other offices. He served as a New York State Assemblyman, Governer of New York, and Vice President of the U.S.
In April 1898, the U.S. entered into war with Spain. At this time Roosevelt was Assitant Secretaru of the Navy. Roosevelt favored the war and loudly made his views known. After the war, he returned to the U.S. a herlo, which helped him win the election as Governer of New York.                                                                                                                        
On september 6, 1901, President McKinley was shot. On his way to Biffalo, Roosevelt received a telegram informing him that McKinley had died. Roosevelt arrived in Buffalo on september 14 and was promptly sworn in there as president by U.S. District Judge John R. Hazel. In the presidential election of 1904 Roosevelt won the presidency in a landside victory.

The  "bully pulpit" was first used by Teddy Roosevelt, explaining his view of the presidency, in this quotation "I suppose my critics will call that preaching, but I have got such a bully pulpit!" 

Theodore Roosevelt was born not too long before the Civil War. During his childhood slavery was legal, but later abolished. Women could not vote, many considered college education and higher paying professions as inappropriate roles for women, and property ownership and legal rights were different for women. Overall TR had a good record of treatment of African-Americans. Unfortunately however, his one major failure of his presidency also included them.